Well shizzle-sticks it’s bathtime ya’ll
Do you take time for yourself?
I mean, after all, you have taken care of everyone else for so long…
To the forgotten woman, this is the best season of your life.
You've made it this far. You’re full of wisdom. Now you just need to slow down, take a bath, and let it all out.
From one Sage Sister to another.
What is a Sage Sister?
She strives to live life in Balance. She’s full of Courage. She works to create Harmony. She recognizes when she needs Stress Relief. She embraces her inner Wisdom.
The sage inside of you is waiting to be revealed!
We invite you to browse our collections.
The sage inside of you is waiting to be revealed!
Which sage do you seek... Balance, Courage, Harmony, Stress Relief, or Wisdom?

Balance Collection
Sometimes I think achieving a balanced life is an oxymoron…I mean is there ever really any balance in our lives? Yes! I do think there is, but it is a rare bird for sure! Some days we seem to have it so together, and that feels like balance. Other days…well, I just want to stay in bed under the covers. Can you relate?
Courage Collection
Are you plagued with doubt but still determined to forge ahead?
It takes courage to dream, to step out of your comfort zone, and to start a journey.

Harmony Collection
We all strive for harmony…but does a harmonous life mean we will never have challenges?
Can you imagine how boring that would be? Life is always full of challenges, yeah, I know some of those challenges we can do without.
Stress Relief Collection
The name says it all… and let’s face it, we need stress relief with the hectic lives we live.
Have you ever wondered what a simpler life would look like?

Wisdom Collection
Am I alone in thinking that there is a lot of knowledge in our world today but much less wisdom?
I look for wisdom in the everyday… in living life to the fullest, taking chances, and learning from my mistakes.