It's All About The Cure
The cure? What is the cure? And why does it matter?
I’m talking about the process of making soap. Recently I was asked how long does it take to make soap. We use the cold process method of making soap. Cold process by definition is just what it sounds like. However, we do melt the oils and butters, but we do not cook the soap batter. The sodium hydroxide (aka lye) is then added to the soap batter and the saponification process begins.
As stated above, the process is simple, and that actual “making” of the soap takes about 2 hours from start to finish…then there’s the cleanup…but I’ll save that for another day. After the soap is made, it goes into the drying closet for up to 24 hours. The soap is then removed from the mold and cut into individual bars. A bar of hand crafted soap is safe to use at this point. But a bar of soap used this soon will “melt” very quickly.
But where the magic really happens is the cure. Due to living in south Louisiana, which is very humid, we cure all of our soaps for no less than 8 weeks. The curing process allows for excess moisture to evaporate. And the pH will change slightly over time resulting in bar of soap that is gentle feeling to the skin. The longer the soap cures, the harder the bar and the creamier the lather, the longer the actual bar will last.
We want to make sure you get the best bar of soap around. And one that will last for more than a few uses. So we patiently wait out the 8 weeks of cure time. Does that mean sometimes we run out of a particular scent, well yes it does. We will sell no bar before it’s time. That’s our commitment to quality.
Until next time, blessings and bubbles,
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