What is Bubbleaux


What is Bubbleaux?  Did you catch the new product we mentioned in our last newsletter?  Haha, I know you did, so here’s a little bit of info on this wonderful new product, that I am super excited to share with you!

Yes, you read that right…we now have bubble bath…and it’s called Bubbleaux (pronounced Bubble O).  This wonderful new product has been a labor of love, and I mean that in the truest sense.  You see I had to take a LOT of bubble baths to make sure we had the formula perfected. Hey, it’s a tough job, and somebody had to do it! 

So why bubble bath you may ask.  Isn’t that for the kiddies?  Well yes and no, let me explain.  I have used different bubbling, fizzy products for when I wanted to take some “me” time and relax.  You know those days when it’s time to just lock the bathroom door and hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign out.   Well, what I always hated was that greasy feeling they left on my body.  And the film that was left in my tub…oh, ya know how that would just kill the relaxation.  Cause I would look at the tub after soaking and was reminded now I have to clean the tub…yeah, so much for relaxing.  But I still used them cause what I liked was the bubbles.

I set out to make something that first off would be moisturizing to your skin…not greasy.  And secondly, that would not leave a bath rub ring or be slippery.  After many failed attempts I finally hit on something.  So I started testing it…and then I had several people testing, and all came back with input for making it better.  And I DID! 

Here is what you will get with our amazing Bubbleaux… AMAZING BUBBLES!  Did I say you get amazing bubbles? YES!  Lots of bubbles and it comes scented in all 5 collections, it’s made with Mango Butter, Cocoa Butter and Jojoba Oil…all of which are skin loving oils.  Then we added baking soda, citric acid, powdered buttermilk, and tapioca starch all of which soften the water and of course your skin.  There is a very mild coconut derived surfactant…that is non-irritating so that you can use it every night. 

Grab your bottle of Bubbleaux, your DO NOT DISTURB sign, and your beverage of choice and take time for you.  Begin your journey to discover the sage inside.

Until next time, blessings and bubbles,

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