
A funny thing happened…I’ve been reading about stream lining production, also known as masterbatching. So I decided to scale up production, by doubling a formula.
I ran my formula calculations for doubling and everything worked out. I get all the ingredients out and away I geaux...
I start measuring and melting the oils while tapping my feet to the music my husband downloaded for me to listen to in my workshop.
I'm smiling away, thinking what a genius I am, I should have been doing this all along. Then I go to add the other ingredients to the already warm oils, and at that moment I realize my pot is not big enough.
Forehead slap…hurriedly, pulling out a much bigger pot, I pour the warmed oils in there, and the temp drops so fast that when I try to add the other ingredients they start solidifying way too quick...
Music and grin begin to fade as I quickly try to think how I'm going to save this batch...okay... put it on the burner to heat up the pot and the oils, whew disaster averted.
But wait... now I can't pick up the hot pot to pour into containers, what was I thinking, forehead slap again.
Oh, I can use a glass measuring cup and dip and pour. But the measuring cup is cool too, so I stick it in the microwave to warm it... Okay, this may work. So I'm dipping and pouring, all seems to be going right again, and dare I think it out loud…I'm a genius?
Then OMGosh... this is not happening to me...I don't have enough containers…think…wait, the last time I thought, insert forehead slap, is what got me into this mess.
Okay, okay, hmm... what to do?… okay, I’ve got it! I’ll just call this master batching and I can pour the rest into a reheatable container so that when my product containers come in I can just reheat and pour.
Wow, what a genius I am…ssshh! I admonish myself, Don’t say that too loud, I might hear and try something else!