Indulge in a luxurious bath

Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a warm bubble bath and a glass of wine

Telling a teenager the facts of life is like giving a fish a bath  🐟 🛁

There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them

These are just some interesting bath quotes I found.

But here's what I wanted to share with you. 

I just got back from a 13 day, 3,200+ mile trip to Niagara Falls.  This has been another one of those things on the Bucket List.  And I have now checked that off.

Oh, and if you ever get the chance to go…DO IT!  It’s absolutely breathtaking!  And yes, I cried just admiring the beauty.  But I digress.

Last week, I told yall about how I take a bath regardless of where I am or what the vessel of a tub may look like.  It’s just a thang with me.

For the past 13 days, I enjoyed my nightly bath in a very small teeny tiny bathtub in the camper.  Some nights due to water/camper issues, it was more of a bubbly spit bath…but a bath nonetheless.

But YALL, last night was heaven on earth!  I was able to indulge in a luxurious, nice HOT, long, soaking Bubbleaux Bubble bath in my own home bathtub.

I had room to really stretch out my legs.  Being on the short side, my legs are not that long, but there is something incredibly soothing about being able to fully stretch out and relax in a bath, especially after a long journey.

It was the perfect way to relax and unwind after a long day of travel.

So glad to be home…until my next trip!  

Can you guess where the Bucket List might be taking us next?



P.S. This is not my bathroom/bathtub.  It is however, my dream bathroom/bathtub.

1 comment

  • That bathroom is FIRE, but I am sure yours felt quite luxurious last night!


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