Who knew ducks = joy

Just a little over 2 years ago, I became a duck Mom.  

Before that, I spent hours looking at all the different breeds of available ducks. Who knew there were so many different breeds to choose from?  

I looked at colors, temperament, egg production and meat quality. Not that I ever expected to harvest any ducks for the meat, but I still looked at this option.

I also wanted, of course, something pretty.  

Now, I’m not saying that all white ducks are not pretty, but I tend to go for the unusual, maybe even the rebel.  

That’s just what I’m drawn to. I wanted something pretty to watch swimming in the pond.

Temperament, I have 2 grandsons, so I wanted to make sure that my duckies were not aggressive and would scare them.  

Although, I have to say the youngest grandson loved to chase them. Also, my bonus grandkids were fascinated by them and just wanted to get closer to see them…and also chase them.

Egg production…let’s just say I kinda skimmed over this part.  

Would I really eat a duck egg?  

Yes, I’ve heard how good they are to eat, and how great they are for baking. But to be honest I had never eaten anything but chicken eggs.

Quality of meat, as mentioned above, never really intended to be harvested for eating. 

So I guess what I was really looking for was something pretty that would not be aggressive towards my grandkids.  

The eggs just became a bonus.

So it came down to choosing and I chose Welsh Harlequins, 6 to be exact.

A few fun facts…

My ducks don’t really quack, they squeak, and it's cute.

They are very social…and they breed for life.

The males actually look like a Mallard duck.

They have a long life span…some living to over 14 years old.

I know ducks have nothing to do with soap or skincare, but they are part of my self-care routine! They make me smile…and I can sit, relax and watch them for hours.  They are goofy at times.  And sometimes I can actually get all my ducks in a row.  It’s pure joy.

What gives you joy?

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