When was the last time you…
So, when was it?
When was the last time you played dress up?
When was the last time you let that wild rambunctious little girl (your inner Sage) come out and play?
Think back…really think about it.
If I’m going to be honest, it had been a long time for me…but I recently did just that!
And can I tell ya, it was the most amazing and freeing experience.
My tribe Chignon 7 (I wrote a newsletter about them) got together for our annual girls trip. Our photographer/coordinator Jennifer planned the dress up and outfits.
I was scared shitless!
I wore clothes that I would never pick out for myself, but Jennifer has a knack for making things work.
And she had her Mary Poppins bag…I kid you not, there was something for everyone in that bag. Thank you Jennifer.
Not only did I feel like a glamorous little girl, all over again, but I felt such joy.
I, along with all the others, had 5 wardrobe changes…and different poses…all the while feeling so joyful and having the best time.
There was so much laughter amongst us…everyone’s little girl came out to play.
You don’t have to wait to invite your inner sage out to play…you can do this anytime you choose.
Don’t wait, bring her out NOW.
If you want to get juicier details (and there sure are some) jump on my email and become a Purple Sage insider.