Ready Twice, Now On to Plan B

So by now, since there have been no pictures of the courageous skydiving event, you can guess that it didn’t happen.
Sometimes things happen for a reason.
We can plan every detail, except for those that are out of our control.
So here’s what happened:
Jump day - there were 4 of us (me, my sister, and 2 nieces) in our group jumping.
The first 2 (my sister and my niece) go up, separately, and they both jump.
Both say it is amazing and they would do it again…in fact they both said you MUST do it.
I’m suited up, hyped up and ready to head to the plane for my jump…I’m next in line.
But the wind has picked up and all jumps for the rest of the day are canceled.
WHAT THE HECK???!?!?? NOOO, this can’t be!
Ok, so I deal with this HUGE let down…cause I have been building myself up to do this, even though it has been on my bucket list.
I am heartbroken. 💔
They told us to come back the next day and I would be the first one jumping and then my niece.
I felt a little better, but still just wanted to cry. I felt crushed.
Back at it the next morning…everything is looking good.
The instructor says someone must have left the radio switch on, cause it looks like they are going to jump it off…dead battery.
Turns out, not a dead battery, but the dam fuel pump went out. YIKES!

NOOOO, not again!!!
You have got to be kidding me.
Truth be told when this one was canceled, I was not just upset, I was truly pissed. I wanted to do this, and it was not to be.
Hmmm, ya know things happen for a reason.
I’m not sure what that reason is, but it happened to me. I realized that stuff happens in life, it bops you down. It’s how we stand back that matters the most.
We can have the best laid out plans, that sometimes just don’t work out, so a Sage Sister will find a way to improvise.
Hey…I have a great story.
First off, I have a great story to tell of being ready twice, and then NOTHING.
Looking back it is sorta funny. Oh and hey I got a t-shirt that says I jumped! What am I gonna do with that?
Second, my sister and my nieces have decided that we will find another location, plan that trip…soon, and make it happen.
So stay tuned, I will be skydiving as soon as we can get it scheduled. And let’s hope this one happens!
The jump was the most beautiful thing I have ever done was I pissed Sandy was supposed to go first was I upset we didn’t get to do the first one together like planned this took lots of courage to get suited up two days in a row for the let down but sister Sandy we got this an hell yes it’s going to happen very soon love you look out skydiving world here we come
You had the courage and gumption and readiness. How dare things happen in life that change those plans!! LOL. You are a true inspiration Ms. Purple Sage