Online or in Person

Several years ago in a soapmaking group, I “met” the sweetest woman.
Her name is Amy, and we have been FB friends since 2013…Over 10 years!
Amy has always inspired me with her family owned and run candle and soap business.
When we see each other’s posts on FB we sometimes have multiple conversations.
Most of our conversations are around how we set up our booths at events, as we’re always looking to streamline and improve our setup.
When it comes to traveling to do a show we’re both in agreement that we need quick and easy set up and tear down, as well as collapsible and durable…and it has to look good and be inviting to customers.
In 2017 I went to South Carolina for a mastermind event.
I posted on FB that I was at a coffee shop waiting for my daughter, Amanda to arrive from Georgia. Amy messaged me and said that she was not far from there…I wish I had known, because I would have made plans to go visit her at her Soap Barn.
In 2020 after I decided to do my first Soapen House and had a few ideas that I wanted to bounce off of someone who had done an event like this.
Since Amy does Drop Ins at her Soap Barn I messaged her to ask a few questions and get feedback on ideas.
In all these years we have only spoken on the phone once or twice…but continue to message.
Fast forward to March 2024.
Amy posted that she will be doing an event in Amite, Louisiana, which is only about an hour from me!
I also had an event the Saturday she was in Amite, but I wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip by (like last time.) So I made plans with my daughter to drive to Amite and surprise Amy.
I purposely did not tell her I was coming just in case life got in the way.
Then, the day finally happened!
I found her booth!
I went up to her and said Amy, she said “yes.”
I said Amy, and she just smiled and said “Sandy!”
Yall we hugged like we have been friends for years…cause we have been!
Lemme tell ya, it was a joy to finally meet this sweet lady in person at Vintage Market Days in Amite, LA
And of course I had to walk around her booth, smell all the candles…yes, and buy some too!
We were able to chat among her ringing up sales. It was just a warm fuzzy feeling to finally meet someone in person that you feel you have known for so long.
After that, my daughter found us an amazing restaurant that offered brunch...for us it was a late lunch and it was just wonderful.
Can we say Shrimp and Grits baby? Oh yeah!
I say all of this to say…sometimes we make “friends” online, and never know if we'll ever meet them in person.
And when you do, you know it was a true friendship, not just an acquaintance.
Amy was not my first online friend, my tribe, Chignon 7 is just another example of online friends meeting up in person.
Making real life connections is what makes these friendships so special.
Do you have friends you have never met in person? If so, how did yall “meet”. If you could meet in person, where would you like to meet up with them?