Is it Wrong?



Is it wrong that the baristas at the coffee shop knows me by name. They also know what I’m going to order…the size, the type of coffee and the type of milk, minus the froth.  Is it wrong?

Within the last year, we finally got a coffee shop that was only 20 minutes from my house instead of 45 to an hour.  Can we say not having to geaux into town and fight the traffic? On the second day they were open, I just had to visit.  I was able to meet the owners, and I made them a promise that I would do my best to keep them in business.  Is it wrong?  I love this coffee shop…I love the baristas that fix my coffee, I love the people that take my order/money.  I walk in the door and they say Hey Ms. Sandy…gotta love that. 

Funny story

A while back I was going thru the drive thru one afternoon, and my hubby was with me.  He jokingly said I guess they know you in the drive thru too?  I said nah, just when I geaux in.  And don’t cha know the sweet young lady after she took my order before asking my name, said is this Ms Sandy?  My hubby looked over at me and we both just busted out laughing…I was busted. So he asks how much of our budget geaux to coffee…and I politely told him none.  I have my own money and it geaux to pay for my purple hair and my coffee! Is it wrong?


So yesterday, my hubby calls me from work and says we need to talk…which is code for I’ve done something he’s not happy with.  And he proceeds to tell me he stopped by the coffee shop, going thru the drive thru…and when he got to the window, the young lady said you’re Ms Sandy’s hubby…to which he laughed and said yes.


Is it wrong?  I say it’s called community...where everyone knows your name…yea kinda like the tv show Cheers…oops, now I’m telling my age.  But you get the point.  I’m not invisible, I have a name and they know it.  Lol, doesn’t hurt that I have purple hair that is a little hard to miss.

 Is it wrong? What do you think?  Do you have a local place where people love and know you? When you walk in do they call you by name, or at least acknowledge that they know who you are?  Do you love coffee?


  • I love coffee too. It’s not wrong, it’s great customer service :)

    Donna DeRosa
  • It’s nice to have a place where they greet you by name. I’m not a big coffee drinker (only when I have a headache) but I think I’d like to have a friendly place to go. Those mom and pop places are the best!


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