Did you forget about your feet?

Hello Spring!  

Hello sandals, hello flip flops, hello bare feet…uh oh dont’ look at my feet!

Yea, I know your feet aren't ready for going barefoot or sandals… or are they?

I know mine aren't.  

I’ve been putting off that long-awaited, long-overdue pedicure.

I usually get at least 3 pedicures a year starting in the spring, however, I’m a little behind and really need to get that schedule.

I’ve been working outside in my new garden (grow bags…that was a couple emails ago), flowerbeds, and stock tank pool/deck.  

Springs brings so many projects…and most of them are outside which means I'm usually barefooted. 

I love grounding in the grass or at the beach.

Are you excited to walk barefoot on the beach? 

Or do you want to bury your dry, cracked feet in the sand so no one can see them?

Cracked and dry feet ain't pretty...but there's so much more.

So, what’s Sage Sister to do in the meantime?

Forgotten feet…

The toughest skin on your body, your feet have the most nerve endings in your body, so it's super important to take care of your feet.

Here’s a little tip until you can get that pedicure:  

  • Grab your pumice, a pair of socks and your Tickle Your Feet foot butter.  
  • Head to the shower or the tub…whatever way you like best.  
  • Run that warm water, and get in.  
  • Then take that pumice and start gently rubbing it all over your feet.  
  • Focus on those rough heels.  
  • You can use a little soap if you need it.  
  • After you scrub/rub your feet, then sit back and relax just a bit.  
  • Enjoy that warm water shower/bath.  
  • After that relaxing exfoliating shower/bath pat dry your feet.  

Here’s the fun part…Sister slather that peppermint foot butter all over those feet.  

Rub in and put those socks on.  

You can leave them on for as little as 20 minutes or keep them on overnight. 

Your feet will be so soft…and that can last you till your pedicure.

Here’s to happy feet!



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