A Love Affair

Well, here we are a little over 1 year into what I was calling my fitness journey.  What started as just a way to improve my mobility (I didn’t have any serious issues, and was looking to prevent any from occurring) has turned into a love affair.

A love affair

A love affair with who, you might ask?  A love affair with myself!

You see, I have never really been comfortable in my own skin.  Always worried about what others think.  Always being the fat kid growing up.

My weight has gone up and down over the years…but never really stable.  As you can imagine, I have tried just about every “diet” out there.   From Weight Watchers, Atkins, plant based, low carb/Keto.  Yall remember the Victoria Principal diet from the 80’s, guaranteed to lose 7lb in a week?  Yep did that one too.

Nothing worked for me.

For exercise…which used to be such a nasty word.  I’ve tried walking daily, and making sure to get those steps in…even to the point of jogging in the kitchen while I’m “standing” at the stove…you know what I’m talking about.  I’ve tried apps/videos too. 

Again, nothing worked for me.

I had just about given up, resolved to the fact that what I was carrying on my body was what I was going to my grave with.

I wasn’t even looking

And then…when I wasn’t even looking, I found the answer that works for me.

I was reading a local paper, and they had a write up on The Boot CrossFit.  Now, I had driven by this building a 1000’s of times…and never knew what it was.  However, in the article, they showed what it was and that the logo was being painted on this building.

And the rest is history…I called The Boot, met with the owner and began my new love affair.

An interesting little tidbit…after joining The Boot and working out, I realized that I had suppressed a dream from 40 plus years ago.

Back in the day when I used to do aerobics (remember Jane Fonda, no pain no gain), I had started doing the machines at the gym to get stronger. 

I spoke to a girl that was seriously into weight lifting.  I loved how she looked and asked her a ton of questions.  When she mentioned that she ate a lot of veggies, in particular sweet potatoes.  Welp, that left me out, since I didn’t eat any veggies back then.

I dropped that idea, not knowing there were alternatives.

Living boldly

So here I am, 40 years later and I’m lifting weights.  Getting stronger and better every day. 

I’ve spent the last year honoring the commitment I made to myself.

I set out to live boldly, whatever that looks like.  And for now, it’s getting in shape, and getting healthy.  After a year of being consistent, there are changes in my body composition.  And yes, there has been some weight loss.

But the best part, gaining confidence in myself!

I love myself even more than I imagined.  

I’d love to hear what you have found that works for you.  Whether it’s exercise, a way of eating, a new job, a new relationship.

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